Dear friend, Our company can supply you this 28days detox tea price1.8USD/Bag,for minimum order 100bags ,3g*28teabags/bag. This tea have very good effect,this tea have laxative effect to naturally cleanse and detoxify your body,Flatten tummy,Boost your metabolism,Reduce bloating,Flush out harsh toxins,Fix digestive issues. How many bags do you order? Where ship to? Thanks
Our company can supply you this 28days detox tea price1.8USD/Bag,for minimum order 100bags ,3g*28teabags/bag. This tea have very good effect,this tea have laxative effect to naturally cleanse and detoxify your body,Flatten tummy,Boost your metabolism,Reduce bloating,Flush out harsh toxins,Fix digestive issues. How many bags do you order? Where ship to? Thanks